Sunday, March 28, 2021

Chapter 1: Page 6: Line 6

 Ponds and Creeks are frozen over, and the Trees a-glare to the last slightest Twig,— Nerve-Lines of concentrated Light.

* * * * * * * * * *

Line 6 Vulgarized:
The surfaces of all the ponds and creeks were covered in a layer of ice and so were all of the branches of all of the trees, even down to the smallest twig, so that the entire tree was aglow, so much so that they looked like a nervous system made entirely from light.

Subtext is like the water under the ice, right? So all the subtext is hidden and covered over. And the shallowness of the plot is like the coat of ice on the tree blinding the reader so they have a hard time seeing the actual tree (which is a metaphor for the subtext. Maybe!).
    Lines are sentences so "Nerve-Lines of concentrated Light" suggest each sentence is packed with information, even down to the shortest one! And nerves send signals so that we feel things so "Nerve-Lines" are sentences that make us feel stuff! Like emotions and lustful thoughts, especially when the boner metaphors start sledding in. "Sledding" is a Christmastide metaphor just to keep us all in the spirit!

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