Saturday, April 3, 2021

Chapter 1: Page 7: Line 10

 The Youth, as usual, not being consulted in this.

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Line 10 Vulgarized:
Nobody asked the stupid kids if they were interested in sex stories even though they totally were.

The corruption of minors is a concern to adults because they know from experience, having once been a minor, that the major concern of a minor is to become corrupted as quickly as possible. Once corrupted, the memory of innocence weighs heavily on the adult mind and they realize they needn't have been in such a rush to be corrupted and so try desperately to keep every other minor in existence uncorrupted.
    Basically I'm just restating the entire Garden of Eden story (unless I'm thinking about The Outsiders). That's probably the subtext. The kids are Adam and Eve and Pony Boy while Reverend Cherrycoke is playing God and his stories are probably the serpent because I know he's going to slip in at least one story about Mason's boner (which is serpent-like).
    Wasn't one of S.E. Hinton's characters named Paper Clip? I feel like one of them was Paper Clip. I'm not going to check because I don't want it to be untrue.

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