Sunday, April 11, 2021

Chapter 1: Page 8: Lines 31-33

 "Kindly Brae. That is from my Secret Relation, of course. Don't know that I'd phrase it quite like that in the present company."

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Lines 31-33 Vulgarized:
"Okay, Brae, you smart ass. That description of myself was from my less public accounts of this story. I should probably have cheered it up a bit for this group."

The main subtext is I'm not sure I interpreted this response correctly! I'll get lost in dialogue responses a lot because it seems most people don't talk to each other in books the way they talk to each other in reality. It's like how people on television shows often hang up the phone without indicating the conversation is over. Somehow both parties just know they're done talking? When has that ever happened without one person sitting on the phone going, "Hello? Um, hello? What the fuck, dude?!"
    But I think the main point of these lines—regardless of my interpretation of the first two lines—is that the Reverend admits that he takes the audience into consideration when telling his story. So he edits and embellishes based on what he thinks the audience is expecting, or what they might be too young to hear, or, well, any number of reasons, I suppose. Here Cherrycoke admits that the story he is going to tell will be edited to some degree because of the audience before him. It's like renting an R-rated movie from Blockbuster. You might not be getting the actual theatrical experience because those guys were total prudes!

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