Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Chapter 3: Page 14: Lines 11-12 (102-103)

 "Oh, one may, if one wishes, find Insult at ev'ry step,— from insolent Stares to mortal Assault, an Orgy of Insult uninterrupted,— yet how does one proceed to call out each offender in turn, or choose among 'em, and in obedience to what code? So, one soon understands it, as yet another Term in the Contract between the City and oneself,— a function of simple Destiny, ensuring that there never be time enough to acknowledge, let alone to resent, such a mad Variety of offer'd Offense."

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Lines 102-103 Vulgarized:
"Sure, people in the city suck. But what can you do? There isn't enough time in the day to react to every offence, and even if you tried, by what system could you manage it? Once realizing that you simply don't have time to pursue consolation for every insult, you learn to live with it as part of life in the city."

Mason doesn't have the imagination to become The Batman. Batman doesn't seem to have a hard time picking and choosing who needs to have their asses beat. And he keeps a strict obedience to his code which is to injure and maim and bring to as close to death as possible anybody committing any crime for any reason, whether that reason be evil intent, mental illness, or crushing poverty. They all get the same fist in the face. That's Batman's Contract between him and Gotham (which really fits the description of "a mad Variety of offer'd Offense."

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