Saturday, December 30, 2023

Chapter 3: Page 16: Line 43 (134)

 "Eeh!" Dixon's nose throbbing redly.


Line 134 Vulgarized:
"Oh!" exclaimed Dixon, his face, especially his nose, having grown redder across the evening.

Dixon often gets drunk. He's got the bright red nose associated with one who drinks a lot. Although, technically, that's caused by rosacea. It's just that alcohol can often be one of the main triggers which stress the rosacea and cause inflammation. Believing somebody is an alcoholic due to their rhinophyma is a microaggression that I'd like to see an end to, being that I have rosacea! Alcoholics often assume I'm one of them. Clerks and baristas sometimes say dumb shit like, "I see you've got some sun!" No, asshole, I have a medical condition, not a sunburn. Get fucked because I'd rather not be reminded of it because you lack any other means of small talk other than commenting on a stranger's appearance. How would you like it if I went up to you and asked, "Oh, has the circus sideshow let out for the summer?"

Hmm, you probably wouldn't care, actually, because you'd just look at me with a confused expression. I admit, it wasn't the best line. But I was flustered due to my alcoholic nose having been brought up!

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